Just another case study

MentorNow👋 X Rotary International
Rotary International is a global network of 1.4 million friends, leaders, and problem-solvers that brings together business and professional leaders in order to provide community service, promote integrity, and advance goodwill, peace.
Rotary decided to use MentorNow to create and quickly deploy a mentoring program between young and experienced professionals

How is MentorNow👋 useful for this noble and demanding process?

Simple, Rotary’ Admin got in touch with sales and in a matter of minutes deployed the mentoring program by adding custom filters for advanced CRM functionalities, areas of expertise for Mentors to always suggest the right mentor to mentees leveraging MentorNow👋 suggestion algorithm and by adding custom colours and logos.
Automatic onboarding emails and MentorNow👋 managed all the rest, definitely a bummer free process
Wanna dive deeper into all the features Rotary International is currently using? Here they are
Profile creation
Onboard new users

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